Happy Women’s History Month! This month (which has grown from being established as a single day of recognition in the 1970s) was designated as a time to honor the achievements of women throughout the years and recognize their significant contributions to both events of the past and modern-day society.

In honor of this meaningful month, we decided to highlight a few statistics that illustrate the significant impact women are making in both the real estate industry and market.

Women in Real Estate

Did you know that female REALTORS® accounted for an impressive 65% of the National Association of REALTORS®’ 2021 membership? This number has soared in recent years, up from 57% in 2010. These numbers signify the incredible evolution of women in real estate, especially considering that when NAR was founded in 1908, the membership was 100% male. According to NAR’s most recent membership profile, the majority of their members are “women homeowners with a college education.”

Women in the Housing Market

Today, women are becoming homeowners in record numbers—and many of them are doing it on their own. In Virginia, just over a third (34%) of single females (that is, women who have never been married) own a home. While single females account for just about 6% of all homeowners across the state, they bought homes at a record pace last year. According to NAR’s Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, single females accounted for one out of every five buyers in 2021.