Elected to the House of Delegates in 2021, Tara Durant understands that in order to ensure the next generation remains here in Virginia, we need strong, thriving communities. Part of what makes a community are the citizens who reside there and an infrastructure that supports their longevity. Prior to her service in the House, Tara was an elementary educator and military spouse. She has dedicated her life to growing the economy, finding solutions to modernize transportation, improving our schools, and ensuring veterans have access to the highest quality care and community support possible. She has supported initiatives to lower taxes and–most importantly–has repeatedly supported the legislative priorities and legislative initiatives that Virginia REALTORS® has put forward.

REALTORS® won BIG during the 2023 primary elections and you have learned about several candidates who were successful with the help of REALTOR® support. Tara Durant’s most recent primary success in her race for the 27th Senate District is yet another example of the fact that when REALTORS® Vote, Act, and Invest it’s a win for the industry, a win for your clients, and a win for YOU!