While our latest Home Sales Report revealed fewer listings on the market, you can make the most of this tight market by taking time to elevate YOUR business. We have three ways you can boost your marketing strategies and business intel this summer.

Get Ahead in Your Continuing Education
The Virginia REALTORS® Learning Center is your one-stop-shop for keeping up with your continuing education and your certifications or designations. If business isn’t necessarily booming like you want it to be, it could be a great time to get ahead of the game with education. There are various opportunities for you whether you want to attend courses virtually or in person. The Learning Center also has many types of courses depending on what education you’re looking for, including Legal Webinars, Virtual Legal Courses, By the Numbers Economic Webinars, PM Certified, Broker Premier, and REALTOR® Institute (GRI) courses, and our Summer Speaker Series. Whether you need your CE or want to learn more about a topic, the Learning Center is one click away. 

Spread the Word in Your Community
Now is your chance to get your name out there (even more than it already is!), so when clients are ready to find a REALTOR®, your name is at the ready. You can share your business virtually or in person. Try attending local fundraisers or sporting events and offer to sponsor something. For an online presence, you could reach out to previous clients to ask for reviews and then respond to them. Also, check out local Facebook pages and see if anyone is searching for a REALTOR®. Your local community is a great place to start!

Refresh Your Social Media and Website
Take a look at your social media and website from the perspective of a client. You could even ask a friend or co-worker for some constructive feedback. Maybe you haven’t updated your headshot recently or maybe you’d like to swap out a new bio or tagline. Have you recently added some certifications or designations? Make sure those are listed in a prominent spot! You may also consider posting a photo to reintroduce yourself if it’s been a while since you’ve shared something. Giving your profiles a fresh look could help offer some eye-catching material for potential new clients.

The market may be challenging right now, but taking the extra time to make sure your business is top notch will have you ready for your clients—old and new!