2020 VRLTA, Laws, & Forms Update
In this course, Erin Barton will present the key changes to the Virginia Residential Landlord Tenant Act (VRLTA), other laws that impact you as a property manager, and…
Welcome Virginia REALTORS®
In this course, Erin Barton will present the key changes to the Virginia Residential Landlord Tenant Act (VRLTA), other laws that impact you as a property manager, and…
This course will provide information on the laws passed by the 2020 General Assembly and how the new laws will impact your business. Pending 1 Hour Legal Updates…
Looking to build your listing inventory? Many REALTORS® are using RPR as a great resource for prospecting. Join us for this class where you will learn effective…
In this course, Erin Barton will present the key changes to the Virginia Residential Landlord Tenant Act (VRLTA), other laws that impact you as a property manager, and…
Are you struggling to generate listings or are you new to the marketplace? This course offers proven strategies for lead generation for Sellers. Instruction includes tips for listing…
In this course, Erin Barton will present the key changes to the Virginia Residential Landlord Tenant Act (VRLTA), other laws that impact you as a property manager, and…
You worked hard for your license and you want to ensure you keep it by managing your risk. This class will expose the ways you could end up in a…
Forms and contracts are all the same, right? Think again! You might be able to find, market, and showcase a home, but can you close the deal? This…
Do you have a well-laid plan for business success? This course covers the foundational skills of establishing a successful business. Learn how to develop your personal brand, set…