Take a few minutes today to find the committee (or committees!) that look like the best fit for YOU! Browse through all of the offerings below to read descriptions of each committee, find out eligibility requirements, and assess the time commitment needed.

Ready to make an impact?

Keep your eyes on your inbox for ways to get involved. Applications for committees will open again in mid 2025.

Got questions?

Feel free to email us here.


Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is a special group of appointed Virginia REALTORS® who get to choose award winners. They are charged with sorting through the best of the best that are nominated each year and then, after careful consideration, selecting the annual recipients.

Meeting: In person at our Headquarters Building in Glen Allen in June. (Subject to change.)

Research Advisory Committee

Join the Research Advisory Committee (RAC) (formerly known as the Research Advisory Board (RAB)) and serve as an advisor to Virginia REALTORS® Chief Economist and other research staff. Input from RAC members will help ensure that the association’s research activities are serving the interests of REALTORS® in Virginia. Share your expert advice and direction to help shape Virginia REALTORS®’ economic and real estate research agenda and activities.

Meeting Frequency: There are three formal meetings per year; meetings are held in January, May, and the third at the Virginia REALTORS® annual convention, which is typically in September.

Eligibility: Any member is eligible to apply.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2023 Research Advisory Committee
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee

There shall be a Committee known as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee comprised of members of diverse backgrounds—not limited to, but including, race, age, gender, sexual orientation, geographic location, sector of real estate, and length of time in the business. The Committee will also include three additional members, one member from each of the multicultural organizations in Virginia—the Asian-American Real Estate Association of America (AREAA), the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP), and the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB).  AREAA, NAHREP, and NAREB will each select the individual they wish to represent their organization and serve on the Committee, as long as the member meets all other criteria set forth in serving on a Virginia REALTORS® Committee.

(FULL COMMITTEE CHARGE PENDING APPROVAL) Committee Charge:  To provide member advice and direction to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within Virginia REALTORS®, as well as in the real estate industry and related industries at large.

Meetings: In person at Virginia REALTORS® Leadership Summit and Business Meetings and at the Annual Convention; Volunteers have the option to meet in person at Association Headquarters in Glen Allen or join via video conference for additional meetings set by the Committee Chair throughout the year.

Download current committee roster:

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Investment Management Committee

This group of subject matter expert members is responsible for performing all business acts necessary to manage the association’s investment funds within policies approved by the Board of Directors.

Meeting Frequency: There are four meetings throughout the year. The first at the Leadership Summit & Business Meetings in January and the others, which may be attended in person or virtually, meet the third Wednesday of April, July, and October.

Eligibility: Any member is eligible to apply.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2023 Investment Management Committee
Member Communications Committee

Who better to help decide the best way to communicate with REALTORS® than some of the most connected REALTORS® in Virginia? Help spread the word and use your gifts of networking and communication as part of the Member Communications Committee (MCC). MCC keeps Virginia REALTORS® members informed and up to date on association activities and benefits, and is hands-on in increasing and improving public awareness of Virginia REALTORS®.

Meeting Frequency: MCC meets formally three times per year.

Eligibility: Any member is eligible to apply.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2024 Member Communications Committee
Professional Development Committee

Surround yourself with members equally as passionate about learning and use that passion for growth and professionalism as a member of the Professional Development Committee (PDC). Share your knowledge and experience to directly impact the programs provided by Virginia REALTORS®. Members of the PDC bring their knowledge and experience as practitioners, trainers, and/or curriculum writers to enhance the Association’s professional development programs and initiatives. Help shape the future of your industry and your peers by providing direct input to the speakers and educators showcased at major events and sharing your expert opinions about program offerings.  

Meeting Frequency: MCC meets formally three times per year.

Eligibility: Any member is eligible to apply.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2023 Professional Development Committee
Professional Standards Committee

There shall be a Professional Standards Committee comprised of all members who qualify to serve on a professional standards or grievance hearing panels for the Association. The duties of the Professional Standards Committee shall be those as set forth in the Association Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual.

Members who meet the criteria: REALTOR® membership has been both current and active for the past five years, the member has no pending Code of Ethics charges, the member has received updated Code of Ethics training for that year of service, and the member has attended a Virginia REALTORS®-sponsored Professional Standards Training (or similar Professional Standards enforcement training as approved by Virginia REALTORS®) within the past two years.
Committee Charge: Members of the Professional Standards Committee shall be available to serve on panels as required to hear matters of alleged unethical conduct by members or to provide arbitration as requested.

Meetings: There will be no regular meetings of this Committee.

Property Managers Council

Anyone involved in property management knows that there are specifics to this field that only other property managers truly understand. Help out your special part of the real estate industry by serving on the Property Managers Council (PMC). This is your chance to influence standard forms, public policy, education opportunities, and more. PMC is an influential group of property managers from across Virginia; be one of those people making a difference.

Meeting Frequency: There are several meetings held throughout the year, two of which take place at Virginia REALTORS® events: the Leadership Summit & Business Meetings in January and PMX in October.

Eligibility: Any member is eligible to apply.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2023 Property Managers Council

Public Policy Committee

Become a member of our policy-minded, non-partisan group that develops the Virginia REALTORS® state legislative agenda and policy stances. The Public Policy Committee (PPC) also decides the association’s position on legislation being considered by the Virginia General Assembly. One major benefit of being on this committee is being at the heart of the action and sharing your voice during the General Assembly Session! PPC meets weekly during session to discuss legislation and decide whether the association should support, oppose, or seek to amend specific legislation. Subcommittees of the PPC consider advocacy funding requests from the Issues Mobilization Program, study issues with property and condo owner associations, and track the Virginia Real Estate Board Regulatory Review process.

Meeting Frequency: The PPC meets approximately seven to eight times per year. On average, four or five of the meetings take place in January through March during the General Assembly Session. Subsequent meetings are spaced out throughout the year.

Eligibility: Any member is eligible to apply.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2023 Public Policy Committee
Risk Management Committee

Join the Risk Management Committee and become part of the team that helps review and draft standard forms, evaluates office policy manuals, and assesses requests for support by the Legal Action Fund. In addition, members of this committee get to use their expertise in the industry to give suggestions on topics or resources that help members manage risk. This committee seeks out a diverse range of members to help ensure that voices throughout the state are heard and that risks are monitored throughout.

Meeting Frequency: The committee at large meets three to four times per year. The Standard Forms Subcommittee meets four times per year. The Legal Action Fund Subcommittee meets as needed, based on requests (typically two to three times per year, but potentially more or less).

Eligibility: Any member is eligible to apply.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2023 Risk Management Committee
RPAC Fundraising Committee

The REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Fundraising Trustees are comprised of Virginia REALTORS® members serving on NAR RPAC Councils and Trustees as well as the Virginia REALTORS® RPAC Trustees who share information, provide advice, and serve as resources to promote RPAC. In addition, they aid in the attainment of annual Virginia REALTORS® RPAC goals.

Meeting Frequency: The RPAC Fundraising Trustees meet formally four times per year. 

Eligibility: This committee is determined by other position appointments (NAR Participation & Major Investor Council, RPAC Fundraising and Disbursement Trustees, and Virginia REALTORS® RPAC Trustee Chair and Vice Chair). The President has the prerogative to appoint at-large members from around the state as additional members.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2023 RPAC Fundraising Committee
RPAC Disbursement Committee

Have a say in where the money goes and help shape the future of real estate in Virginia. The REALTORS® Political Action Committee (RPAC) Disbursement Trustees are a group of non-partisan and politically knowledgeable members who help make key decisions on endorsements and financial support for candidates in state-level offices, including the House of Delegates, state Senate, Governor, Lt. Governor, and Attorney General. In addition, the trustees oversee the financial well-being of RPAC, and a subcommittee of the trustees reviews and approves certain funding for local associations to use to support candidates for local offices.

Meeting Frequency: The RPAC Disbursement Trustees meet formally four to five times per year.

Eligibility: Any member is eligible to apply.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2023 RPAC Disbursement Committee
Standard Forms Committee

There shall be a Standard Forms Committee with members who should have specialties in various disciplines such as residential, commercial, property management, land use, and include representatives of potential users of the forms.

Committee Charge

To advise and provide directions to Virginia REALTORS® legal staff regarding standard forms relating to the real estate business and provided by Virginia REALTORS® as a service to the membership. All forms shall be reviewed by legal counsel and RMC before publication.

Download the current roster here:

2023 Standard Forms Committee
The Association Executive Council

The Association Executive Council (AEC) is comprised of all local association executives and the state chief executive officer. This group helps to provide support and encouragement for all state association executives and provides an opportunity for members to share their ideas for the association.

  • AE Scholarship Sub-Committee
    Select Association Executives may gather to discuss the AE Scholarship for local association executives for use in attending the annual AEI Conference hosted by NAR. Committee members are determined by the council.
  • AE Conference Planning Sub-Committee
    Select Association Executives may gather to discuss the AE Scholarship for local association executives for use in attending the annual AEI Conference hosted by NAR. Committee members are determined by the council.
Virginia Leadership Academy (VLA) Alumni Council

Did you love your experience in VLA? The 12 alumni that comprise the VLA Alumni Committee help to provide support for the future classes of Leadership Academies and help bring all alumni back together to network, share information, and reminisce!

Meeting Frequency: There are several meetings held throughout the year, the first of which takes place at a Virginia REALTORS® event: the Leadership Summit & Business Meetings in January.

Download Current Committee Roster:

2023 Virginia Leadership Academy (VLA) Alumni Council