A snapshot of the bills YOUR Government Relations Team is focusing on in the 2025 General Assembly Session

Bill Name

Transfer Fees (HB 1653 / SB 785)

Virginia REALTORS®’ Stance

Virginia REALTORS® supported this bill

What Does This Bill Mean for REALTORS®?

When a REALTOR® joins a brokerage for the first time—or joins a new brokerage—they are required to pay a transfer fee, charged by the Virginia Real Estate Board for the procedural paperwork. However, when branch offices were created as a consumer protection, the Real Estate Board failed to take this update into account.

As a result, when a REALTOR® might be assigned to branch or different primary place of business within their same brokerage, they’re charged a second identical fee. This second fee is an unnecessary burden on brokerages and REALTORS® and puts more regulatory structures in the way of your business.

Getting it Across the Finish Line

The Virginia REALTORS® Government Relations Team testified in opposition to both of these bills on behalf of the REALTORS® of Virginia, ensuring members of both the House and Senate understood the research and ultimate effects the bills would have had on an already struggling housing market. Neither bill made it out of committee.

Want to learn more about Virginia REALTORS®’ advocacy efforts on behalf of YOUR business? Visit our website for more information.