*Please note: Any questions regarding Legal Hotline Spotlights should be submitted via the Virginia REALTORS® Legal Hotline. Our attorneys are unable to respond to questions through our comments section.

Question: I am a broker for a property management firm. We manage properties that were built in 1965; however, we do not do any of the major maintenance. We hire contractors to perform all the maintenance and make sure they are Renovation, Repair, and Painting (RRP) certified. Do I need to have RRP certification as well? 

Answer: The short answer is yes. You also need to be RRP certified. 

The longer answer is, first, does your firm perform, offer, or claim to perform RRP activities in pre-1978 residential buildings or child-occupied facilities? If you already answer yes, then you must become a Lead-Safe Certified Firm 

If you aren’t sure and are wondering what offer or claim to perform RRP work means, it is anything in these broad activities 

  • Soliciting and evaluating contractor bids; 
  • Applying for permits, as appropriate; 
  • Granting contractors access to the property; 
  • Overseeing contractor work on the property; 
  • Informing tenants of renovation activity; 
  • Verifying completion of renovation activity; or 
  • Remitting payment to the contractors. 

If you perform any of the above-mentioned activities, then you must be RRP certified. Follow the link here for more information on how to get certified.  

What is the Legal Hotline?

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