Every summer, we ask all members of Virginia REALTORS® for their feedback on the resources and services we provide as an association. We learn what’s working, what’s valued, and where we need to put more focus.

We’ve gathered a few interesting facts we learned about YOU this year. Take a look to see what our 2022 membership had to say…

  1. More than 80% of respondents are full-time REALTORS®, and real estate is their only career. (Our members are always shaping the future of real estate!)
  2. Nearly 60% have 10 or more years in the industry.
  3. Email is our members’ preferred avenue of communication by far. It was selected by over 93% of respondents!
  4. All of our VAR staff teams received a satisfaction rating of 4.0 or higher (out of 5.0). We are thrilled at the level of satisfaction and are already focusing on ways to grow and improve the services we offer.
  5. More than 65% said they rely on the Virginia REALTORS® website for updates, information, and resources. (We promise to keep them coming!)

One of the most eye-opening parts of our survey is the questions we receive back from members. Here are answers to two of the MOST common questions we received this year!

Q) I want to learn more about the member benefits I receive. Where can I find that information?

A) You can take a look at our Member Benefits Webpage OR download our  “At-A-Glance” handout:  Member-Benefits-onepager-clickable-2025 .

Q) How do I create an account for Inman Select?

A) A subscription to Inman Select subscription is a benefit all Virginia REALTORS® members receive. This past June, Inman changed their process for activation, so we’ve begun to see some questions about it. Here are the details for creating an account:

Inman’s old process still applies for accounts created prior to June 1, 2022. That process was as follows:

Username: email address associated with your NRDS number

Password: welcome

As of June 1, 2022, Inman now requires new subscribers to activate their subscription (vs. automatic account creation). New members will receive an email invitation to join the group subscription and create a password. There will no longer be a pre-set temporary “welcome” password for new users.

The subject line of the invite email is “Virginia Realtors has Issued You a Subscription to Inman Select,” so if you haven’t seen the email, you may want to search your inbox (and spam folder!). The body of the email will explain the value of Inman News, provide your username, and provide a link to activate the account by creating a password. It will also include a link to customize your newsletter preferences.

Still need assistance with your Inman subscription? You can contact Inman Select directly at customerservice@inman.com or call 1-800-775-4662. (Press 1 to reach Customer Service.)

Thank you to ALL of our members who participated in our 2022 Member Survey!