Between the annual tradition of spring cleaning and the recent popularity of Marie Kondo’s unconventional methods for tidying up, cleaning is on the minds of many.

REALTORS® are well-known for their ability to help clients prepare their homes for sale. While the need for certain home improvements can be obvious (such as the wallpaper that seemed like a good idea in 1975), it can be hard for homeowners to see certain messes because they’ve become part of their everyday landscape.

As March kicks-off the season of spring cleaning, HouseLogic has identified the seven filthiest spots in the typical home. If buyers are choosing between properties, the presence of grime could take your seller’s property out of the running. Pass along this information to help sellers make sure no messes are flying under the radar.

The top culprits for undetected grime? Light fixtures, the toilet body, and dust collectors such as picture frames and tv mounts. House Logic suggests cleaning dust collectors with a microfiber rag that’s been lightly sprayed with vinegar. Since vinegar isn’t electrostatically charged, it will take dust longer to return to that spot

Check out the other filthiest spots so you can help your clients get their homes in top shape!