Our Government Relations Team has been hard at work at the General Assembly Session on behalf of our members and their clients!

The most recent hot topic bill our team has been working on is short-term rentals and the authority governments have to regulate you and your clients. Our team is continuing to work on this bill, ensuring we balance preserving the quality of neighborhoods, while also preserving the rights of owners that hire our REALTORS®. We have been doing some work over the past week to get this bill to a place where the General Assembly will feel comfortable voting for it, so keep an eye out for updates on this.

The response rate to our recent Call For Action has been incredible, with over 1,400 emails sent to senators and delegates, with some members receiving multiple emails. The rest of our agenda looks to be in great shape so far. A lot of bills have gone through subcommittee, and they went to full committee this past week, so look for an update on those soon. One of the proposed items that we were in opposition to this year was a bill to allow for rent control in the commonwealth. We are happy to report that this bill died in committee earlier this week.

Be sure to tune in to our Facebook and Instagram to follow along as local associations come to Richmond for their Days on the Hill—please “like” and “share” with your networks to show the impact REALTORS® are making on Virginia’s lawmaking process. Also on Facebook, continue to look for update videos from our team and be sure to respond to any Call For Actions when you see them.