Standing Committees
Member Communications Committee
Committee Charge:To provide advice and direction to Virginia REALTORS® on how to effectively articulate the benefits of Virginia REALTORS® programs to the membership. The committee provides input on “what’s in it for the member” and the value proposition most meaningful to the membership. The committee serves as the sounding board for new communication channels and updating existing communication platforms.
Meetings: In person at Virginia REALTORS® Leadership Summit and Business Meetings; it is the volunteer’ss option to meet in person at Association Headquarters in Glen Allen or join via video conference for additional meetings set by the Committee Chair throughout the year.
Professional Development Committee
Committee Charge: To provide member advice and direction regarding professional development, professional credentials and certifications, and other member training. To provide input for the Virginia Real Estate Board Education Sub-committee on all matters of real estate licensee education and serve as a resource to the Sub-committee.
Meetings: In person at Virginia REALTORS® Leadership Summit and Business Meetings; it is the volunteer’s option to meet in person at Association Headquarters in Glen Allen or join via video conference for additional meetings set by the Committee Chair throughout the year.
Public Policy Committee
Committee Charge: To provide member advice, direction and recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding: Adding, altering, or eliminating Virginia REALTORS®’s standing positions as listed in the Policy and Procedures Manual Appendix B, and, recommending approval of the Virginia REALTORS® Annual Legislative Agenda. Additionally, to review the policies contained in legislation proposed before the Virginia General Assembly and recommend Virginia REALTORS® positions on bills within the constraints of the established Virginia REALTORS® Policy Positions.
Meetings:In person at Virginia REALTORS® Leadership Summit and Business Meetings; Conference call on occasional Fridays during Legislative Session; and in person at Headquarters Building in Glen Allen in August.
Condo/Common Interest Community Sub-Committee
The Public Policy Committee (PPC) may have a sub-committee on Common Interest Community Policy with a Chair, Vice-Chair and up to eight (8) additional members (which may include one Association Executive) designated by the Chair of the Public Policy Committee from among the full committee, or as otherwise designated by the President. The subcommittee members should have experience and expertise in selling or managing property subject to a common interest community association (condominium, homeowners association, etc.).
Sub-Committee Charge: To review common interest community related potential or proposed policies and legislation and make recommendations to the PPC regarding Virginia REALTORS® policy positions.
Meetings: In addition to PPC meetings, it is the volunteer’s option to meet in person at Association Headquarters in Glen Allen or join via video conference for meetings set by the Sub-Committee Chair throughout the year.
Issues Mobilization Fund Sub-CommitteeThe Public Policy Committee (PPC) may have a sub-committee on Common Interest Community Policy with a Chair, Vice-Chair and up to eight (8) additional members (which may include one Association Executive) designated by the Chair of the Public Policy Committee from among the full committee, or as otherwise designated by the President. The subcommittee members should have experience and expertise in selling or managing property subject to a common interest community association (condominium, homeowners association, etc.).
Sub-Committee Charge: To consider association requests for funding of Issues Mobilization grant requests in accordance with the purpose of the Issues Mobilization Fund.
Meetings: In addition to PPC meetings; it is the volunteer’s option to meet in person at Association Headquarters in Glen Allen or join via video conference for meetings set by the Sub-Committee Chair as needed throughout the year.
Risk Management Committee
Committee Charge: To provide member advice and direction regarding: current and emerging legal issues and trends, the legal hotline, Virginia REALTORS® Standard Forms, and other practices designed to reduce Members’ legal risk.
Meetings: In person at Virginia REALTORS® Leadership Summit and Business Meetings; Volunteer’s option to meet in person at Association Headquarters in Glen Allen or join via video conference for additional meetings set by the Committee Chair throughout the year.
The Standard Forms Sub-Committee
The Risk Management Committee (RMC) may have a sub-committee on Standard Forms with a Chair, Vice-Chair and up to eight (8) additional members (which may include one Association Executive) designated by the RMC Chair from among the full committee of Risk Management, or as otherwise designated by the President. The subcommittee members should have specialties in various disciplines such as residential, commercial, property management and land use and include representatives of potential users of the forms.
Committee Charge: To advise and provide direction to Virginia REALTORS® legal staff regarding standard forms relating to the real estate business and provided by Virginia REALTORS® as a service to the membership. All forms shall be reviewed by legal counsel and RMC before publication.
Meetings: In addition to RMC meetings; Volunteer’s option to meet in person at Association Headquarters in Glen Allen or join via video conference for meetings set by the Sub-Committee Chair throughout the year.
Legal Action Fund Sub-Committee
The Risk Management Committee (RMC) may have a sub-committee on Legal Action Fund Requests with a Chair, Vice Chair and up to three (3) additional members designated by the Chair of the RMC, or as directed by the President.
Sub-Committee Charge: To consider association requests for funding of Legal Action grant requests in accordance with the purpose of the Legal Action Fund.
Meetings: In addition to RMC meetings; Volunteer’s option to meet in person at Association Headquarters in Glen Allen or join via video conference for meetings set by the Sub-Committee Chair as needed throughout the year.