NAR Director Application Information and Form
The application period for 2022 NAR Director Candidates is from August 2 – August 31, 2021. There are three (3) seats open for candidacy.
Click here to access the application form.
Individuals recommended to the National Association to serve as a National Director must:
- Have been a member of the Association for at least five successive years immediately preceding such recommendation;
- Have demonstrated leadership as a REALTOR® or in a REALTOR® Association;
- Agree in writing to serve and attend the required meetings of the National Association;
- Agree in writing to adhere to the responsibilities of the position as determined by the Association and the National Association; and
- Be currently serving or have served on an association Standing Committee, Specialty Group, Board of Directors, Work Group, Task Force, or Advisory Board for at least one year in the three-year period preceding recommendation to the National Association.
Candidates are requested and strongly encouraged, to attend the Board of Directors meeting on September 21, 2021, to address the Board of Directors and respond to any questions prior to the vote. Remarks to the Board of Directors may only be made by the actual candidate at the Board of Directors meeting.
Applications must be submitted via the online process only. For any questions about Virginia REALTORS® NAR Director positions, the election process, or policies of the Association, please view the instructions on the applications, or you may contact Adam Smith.
The application period is from August 2 – August 31, 2021.
To avoid a server timeout, please be prepared with the following information before starting this application:
General candidate information, general office information, résumé, education, and REALTOR®-related activity information. Be prepared to answer a short questionnaire and attach endorsements and/or letters of recommendation.