On September 3, 2019, you received an email from DPOR regarding a “digital credential” being offered. This is a partnership that DPOR has created with Merit, an outside vendor.

The email you received included a request to “Accept” the digital credential.

A few important points…

  1. This is OPTIONAL and there is NO requirement for you to accept the digital credential. By accepting it, you will have to set up an account with Merit, the company that DPOR is contracting with. Setting up an account is free of charge.  Once you set up your account, you will be able to view your license digitally, meaning you will be able to access a copy of your license on your smart phone or computer, in addition to having a paper copy.  Because this is optional, DPOR will continue sending you a paper copy of your license.
  2. This does NOT CHANGE any licensing requirements, renewal requirements, licensing fees, or any requirements to display your license in your firm.

Merit will be on-site in Williamsburg at the Virginia REALTORS® Annual Convention next week, so stop by their booth to find out more.